The mission of Barn i Skolan

Our mission is to enhance the education of children in Africa, with a particular focus on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We are committed to providing equitable access to quality education by strengthening educational systems, training teachers, and creating learning opportunities tailored to the needs of children. We work in collaboration with local Swedish and African communities, educational authorities, and partners to ensure an inclusive and stimulating educational environment that promotes children's intellectual, social, and personal development.

Here we go!

Via Be an Angel and A Gift to Children,  

we would like to support children needing supplies for the 2024/2025 School year.

Link to

click here to pay online with  Revolut 

or Paypal

The need is throughout the school year

You can still send your donation even if the school year is already in progress.

Contact us at to get more information on the project

You can be an angel for Children. Each month, your 100 SEK (10€, 10$) will help to provide notebooks, pens, or books to children without school supplies. No commitment period applies when you become an angel.

Do you have extra or old school supplies? Donate computers, ipads, tablets, schoolbag, pens, notebooks, colored pencils, books... because each school supplies provides a treasure for a child.

Every child should be able to obtain a relevant and quality basic education

According to research prepared by UNICEF, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has made significant progress toward universal access to primary education in recent decades. The net attendance rate increased from 52% in 2001 to 78% in 2018 but 7.6 million children aged 5 to 17 are still out of school. The preschool rate for children aged 3 to 5 is only 5%. 

This level is considered very low given the benefits that pre-schooling can bring to young children to improve entry into primary school and cognitive and social development from an early age. Moreover, repetition and dropout rates at the primary level undoubtedly have repercussions on the secondary level.

The direct (registration fees) and indirect (school materials, uniforms, etc.) costs borne by poor households seem to be one of the obstacles to children's schooling despite the policy of free primary education promulgated in 2010 by the Government of the DRC.

According to UNESCO, 84 million children will still be out of school by 2030. Together we can make a change! 

To make a donation to the Kelasi project, please visit our webpage Donate now or contact us directly at 

Let's build together and offer children modular and modern school buildings. A school at a lower cost, safe and suitable for children of all ages.

We believe in the power of partnerships to create sustainable changes in the education sector.

Barn I Skolan is actively seeking dedicated partners to join our mission of improving access to education and supporting children in Francophone Africa.

Knowledge. Growth. Success.